Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dead Souls Pt.1

Do you live among the dead? No, not near a cemetery... Do you live in the suburbs? I do. I've noticed lately that in our great race to keep up with the Jones' and acquire the best monetary treasures, we are dying. Americans, of all shades and colors, are dying. The things we own, end up owning us. We damn near kill ourselves to get to work. If you happen to live in a major city, like me, you see it everyday. Think about it. We speed at 75-80 miles per hour, while weaving in and out of each others' lanes often colliding. You've seen it happen. Why? We can't afford to be late! We work longer hours than in this country's history. Most of us are barely getting by, but that doesn't stop us from showing our new vehicle off to our jealous neighbor. Their envy drips like sweat, right? Of course it does. You may be 2 pay checks away from bankruptcy, but you love to front like all of your shit is together. You love to start shit with others just to feel alive. You get off on it. Why? Get something goin' on in YOUR life. Get it poppin'...
I'll come back to this.

little boxes on a hill side....lol